TMC MP Mahua Moitra has been expelled from Lok Sabha following an Ethics Committee report that held her guilty of taking bribes in exchange for criticising the government. The 49-year-old MP faces accusations of receiving cash and luxurious gifts from businessman Darshan Hiranandani in exchange for posing questions in Parliament that painted the Narendra Modi government in a negative light. Mahua Moitra has never shied away from speaking against the government in the Parliament. Let us look at some of the explosive speeches by the TMC leader.
Mahua Moitra took a jibe at Centre over the fall in industrial output. She said that "the government and the ruling party coined the term Pappu. You use it to denigrate and signify extreme incompetence. But the statistics tell us who the actual Pappu is." She also took a swipe at the BJP over its defeat in the just-concluded Himachal Pradesh assembly elections, saying the ruling party’s president could not hold on to his home state. “Who’s the Pappu now?”
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